
Friday, July 15, 2016

Façade Poem

"Façade Poem"

I seem to be like a stone that is common and typical,
But really I am bedrock that is hard to dig up.

I seem to be like clay that is easy to mold and shape,
But really I am cement that is hard and cold.

I seem to be like a tree that is caring and open,
But really I am poison that is cruel and unforgiving.

I seem to be like a rose that is confident and beautiful,
But really I am a twig that is self-conscious and hiding.

I seem to be like the sun that is brighter than the world below,
But really I am a star that is never to be found.

I seem to be like rain that is flowing with everything else,
But really I am like magma that is bubbling beneath the surface.

I seem to be like a sentence that is short and easy to read,

But really I am a poem that is deep and hard to understand.